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Greece: information about country

Greece is a country in Southern Europe, situated on the Balkan Peninsula. It shares borders with Macedonia, Albania and Bulgaria. The country is washed by three seas - the Aegean Sea in the east, the Ionian Sea in the west, and the Mediterranean in the south.

Large river systems could not be formed on a narrow and mountainous Greek peninsula. There dominate mountain streams - short, stormy, with picturesque rapids and waterfalls, usually flowing into the sea through narrow canyons. The longest river of Greece is Alyakmon (300 km). Other major rivers are Ebros, Nestos, Strymon, Vardar, and Aheloos. The rivers are not suitable for navigation, but rather play a major role as a source of energy. In Greece, there are over 20 lakes with an area of ​​10-100 square kilometers. The largest and deepest are of tectonic origin. They include the Lake Trihonis, Volvi, Vegoritis, and many cavern lakes. They are usually small and live mostly on groundwater. The largest of them is Ioannina.

The climate in Greece is mild and Mediterranean: winters are warm and wet, summers are hot and dry. In the lowlands, the summers are hot and dry and winters are rainy. Frosts are rare in the valleys, but in winter the peaks of the mountains are covered with snow. In addition to the sun and sea, Greece is rich in tourist attractions. Literally, every piece of Grecian land is full of history. It is not only the country with a developed tourist infrastructure, but also the ancient state, the cradle of ancient civilization. Furthermore, Greece is the birthplace of the Olympic Games.

Greece is one of the oldest countries in the world with a rich history and culture that contain myths and legends, philosophers and military leaders, scientists and poets. Greece keeps the illustration of those times, when the Hellenes worshiped pagan gods, when Alexander the Great conquered the world, when Socrates led his dialogues, and when Aristophanes wrote comedies. Majestic temples and statues, palaces and fortresses - all these illustrations of ancient times deserve to be seen at least once in your life.

Culture of Greece combines the best traditions of the East and the West. Athens is the oldest European capital, a city rich in monuments of culture, art and history. We invite you to immerse yourself in this beauty, either by visiting the mainland or its islands (Crete, Rhodes, Corfu, and Kos).
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