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Hong Kong: information about country

Hong Kong is divided into four main areas - Kowloon, Hong Kong Island, New Territories and Outlying Islands. Kowloon and the New Territories are located on the mainland peninsula, on the north side of Victoria Harbor; Hong Kong Island is on the southern side of the harbor. New Territories have a 20 km land border with China.

The city itself is centered around Victoria Harbor. The Chief Business District is the Central one, located on Hong Kong Island. To the east of the Central District is the Admiralty commercial district; Wanchai, famous for its restaurants and clubs; and then the Kauzvey Bay - the main shopping area. Above all of them towers the Peak - Hong Kong's main view and residential area, which fortunately is very green. On the Kowloon peninsula there are Tsimshatsuy (on the southern tip), Jordan and Yaomatey – the districts of hotels and shops, while the Mongkok is a bustling residential and shopping district.
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