Nizhniy Novgorod is city of Russia (Nizhegorodskaya Oblast'). The population of Nizhniy Novgorod: 1,284,164 people. Geographic coordinates of Nizhniy Novgorod: 56.32867 x 44.00205. Country Russia International title Nizhniy Novgorod Population 1,284,164 people Timezone Europe/Moscow State Nizhegorodskaya Oblast' Geographic coordinates Latitude: 56.32867 x Longitude: 44.00205 Places to visit in Nizhniy Novgorod Millennium of Russia Saint Sophia Cathedral in Novgorod Saint Nicholas Cathedral, Novgorod Church of the Transfiguration on Ilyina Street Kremlin Transfiguration Church in Kovalyovo Saviour Church on Nereditsa St. Sophia Cathedral Zverin Monastery Antoniev Monastery