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London - the best city for travel

The capital of the United Kingdom, the city-landmark and the stronghold of English traditions - London is the most popular destination of ​​British excursion tours (despite the tangible high cost of the destination and evident modesty of most hotels). See the royal guards and hear Big Ben striking, feed the ravens in the Tower and see the city from the "London Eye" – these are obligatory pastimes of metropolitan tourists (as well as the traditional "Friday's cup" in cram-full pubs of Soho).

London, the capital of England and all the United Kingdom, is worth visiting just for the fact that it is the birthplace of Sherlock Holmes. Not enough? Here is another reason: many interesting museums with free entrance. Surely this is not enough? So we spell it out: London always has an exclusively tasty beer!

Entertainment, excursions and places of interest in London:

Listing the sights of London is a long and thankless deal (as you know, a picture paints a thousand words). But, of course, we should mention the basic ones - is a world famous Tower of London and the Buckingham Palace, the Big Ben and the St. Paul's Cathedral, the Trafalgar Square and Westminster Abbey.

However, staying in London, you should make an effort to resist the temptation to rush out to all places, the names of which are known even for those, who never left their neighborhood - you will find there the same crowd of "originals." And believe us - it is advisable to get acquainted with the life of the city not from the window of the touristic bus (unless, of course, you're not a big fan of traffic jams and Japanese tourists).

The life of the real Londoner is (apart from the office) in two places: in the pub and in the park. Parks in London are almost everywhere - perhaps in the world, there is no other capital with so much green space.

Country United Kingdom
International title London
Population 7,556,900 people
Timezone Europe/London
State England
Geographic coordinates Latitude: 51.50853 x Longitude: -0.12574

Places to visit in London

British Museum
Big Ben
Tower of London
The Royal Observatory
Tate Modern
Trafalgar Square
Tower Bridge
Natural History Museum
Victoria and Albert Museum
Buckingham Palace

Category: United Kingdom | (10.02.2014)
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